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Top 10 Metropolis Magazine (USA) Death By Architecture (USA) An architecture directory by the team who created Archeire, with the bonuses of planning news, architectural competition announcements, some European city guides and forums. http://www.archiseek.com Loggia Loggia | exploring the arts and humanities! Message forums featuring discussions about architecture, art history, and design. http://www.loggia.com/forums.html Architect.org architect.org is the online portal of the Architecture Research Institute Inc. a non-profit, educational institution working to make cities livable. Brings you knowledge-based architecture research information http://www.architect.org/ Architecture.com (UK) All about architecture, run by the RIBA http://www.architecture.com Art and Culture The interconnected guide to all the arts http://www.artandculture.com/ cgi-bin/WebObjects/ACLive.woa/wa/home Boston Society of Architects/AIA (USA) For everyone interested in the built environment. Enhancing the public and professional understanding of design & architecture since 1867 http://www.architects.org Construction Plus (UK) Construction Plus is the Internet arm of the Emap Construction Network, the largest information supplier to the UK construction industry. Created in July 1999, Construction Plus comprises 10 inter-linked web sites, which together attract over 50,000 different users per month, around half of all UK construction professionals using the web for business. http://www.constructionplus.co.uk/ Architecture Link (UK) References to architecture, Places to visit, Meetings with buildings, What is architecture, Resources for teachers. http://www.architecturelink.org.uk/ |
Arcspace UIA (International Union of Architects) Design Museum (UK) Alambina Spiro Ceramlinks Directory Archiplanet (UK) ArchiStudents Archinet Arango Archicool (France) theArchitecturRoom ARCHITECTURE STUDIES LIBRARY - ASL (USA) Doors of Perception Interior Design & Architecture (USA) ArchINFORM (Deutch) IIDA (International Interior Design Association) Aleph, Kubos (France) La Galerie d’ Architecture (France) Index of famous architects, Architectural drawings, Rendering gallery… http://www.vitruvio.ch/ |